
How to register and create your account

  1. Select Register, this will take you to the Create a New Account page.
  2. Specify a Username to use when you log on to your account. This will need to be a minimum of six characters.
  3. Specify and confirm your email address.
  4. Specify your Membership Card number (8 digit number displayed on the front of your Membership Card, if you don’t currently have a membership card please contact reception)
  5. Specify your security answer.
  6. Select Register
  7. If your registration is successful, you will receive an activation email.
  8. Select the Activation Link in your email
  9. Your Username will already be populated
  10. Answer the security question
  11. Specify and confirm your password
  12. Select Activate
  13. Your account is now active and you can start making online bookings.